Chronische Rückenschmerzen: Instabilität als versteckte Hauptursache
Clinical spinal instability and low back pain Manohar M. Panjabi Erschienen in Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology 13 (2003) Abstract Clinical instability is an important cause of low back pain. Although there is some controversy concerning its definition, it is most widely believed that the loss of normal pattern of spinal motion causes pain and/or…
Restaurative Therapie stärkt die Lebensqualität bei Senioren mit chronischen Rückenschmerzen!
Application of restorative neurostimulation for chronic mechanical low back pain in an older population with 2-year follow up Ardeshir Ardeshiri, Marco Amann, Simon Thomson and Christopher J. Gilligan Erschienen in Regional Anesthesia & Pain Medicine 2024 Abstract Introduction: Data on the Medicare-aged population show that older patients are major consumers of low back pain (LBP) interventions.…
Neue Ansätze zur Behandlung chronischer Rückenschmerzen: Restorative Therapie gewinnt an Bedeutung
Restorative Neurostimulation: A Clinical Guide for Therapy Adoption K. Chakravarthy, D. Lee, J. Tram, S. Sheth, R. Heros, S. Manion, V. Patel, K. Kiesel, Y. Ghandour, C. Gilligan Erschienen in Journal of Pain Research: Volume 15 (2022) Abstract In this review, we present a comprehensive clinical approach to restorative neurostimulation, a novel form of stimulation…
Der Musculus multifidus: Unterschätzte Ursache chronischer Rückenschmerzen
Chronic Low Back Pain: Restoration of Dynamic Stability Kristiaan Deckers, MD; Kris De Smedt, MD; Jean-Pierre van Buyten, MD; Iris Smet, MD; Sam Eldabe, MD; Ashish Gulve, MD; Ganesan Baranidharan, MD; José de Andrès, MD, PhD; Chris Gilligan, MD; Kristen Jaax, MD, PhD; Jan Pieter Heemels, MS; Peter Crosby, MS Erschienen in Neuromodulation: Technology at…
Chronische Rückenschmerzen: Wie verkümmerte Muskeln die Schmerzen verstärken
The role of the lumbar multifidus in chronic low back pain: a review Michael D Freeman, Mark A. Woodham, Andrew W. Woodham Erschienen in PM&R: Volume 2 (2010) Abstract Low back pain (LBP), a highly prevalent problem in society, is often a recurrent condition. Recent advances in the understanding of the biomechanics of LBP have highlighted the importance…
Langzeitwirkung der Bandscheiben-OP: Was passiert mit Ihrem Gehirn?
Changes in gray matter volume after microsurgical lumbar discectomy: a longitudinal analysis Michael Luchtmann, Sebastian Baecke, Yvonne Steinecke, Johannes Bernarding, Claus Tempelmann, Patrick Ragert, Raimund Firsching Erschienen in Frontiers in Human Neurosience Volume 9 (2015) Abstract People around the world suffer chronic lower back pain. Because spine imaging often does not explain the degree of…
Hirnveränderungen durch Bandscheibenvorfall: Wie Rückenschmerzen das Gehirn verändern
Structural Brain Alterations in Patients with Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Preliminary Study Michael Luchtmann, Yvonne Steinecke1, Sebastian Baecke, Ralf Lützkendorf, Johannes Bernarding, Jana Kohl, Boris Jöllenbeck, Claus Tempelmann, Patrick Ragert, Raimund Firsching Erschienen in PLOS ONE Abstract Chronic pain is one of the most common health complaints in industrial nations. For example, chronic low back…